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ENGL& 102: Animals in Society, with Marcia Woodard: Tips for Searching the Library Databases

Keyword searching in a database

When searching a periodical database, like ProQuest or Academic Search Premier, your goal is to get a reasonable number (around 50) of highly relevant articles.  To do this, use the Advanced Search feature to combine keywords (names, places, events, ideas, synonyms, etc.) specific to your topic.  Before you start your search, examine your research topic, and generate a list of keywords to use and combine in your searches.  You'll find that some combinations work better than others, depending on the database.  Be sure to combine words that make sense.

Some examples:

  • "companion dogs" AND therapy AND depression
  • climate change AND endangered animals
  • animals AND natural disasters

Use other features in the databases to focus your searches. You can:

  • Check the box that will limit your results to academic journals only
  • Check the box that will limit your results to full-text articles only
  • Define a date range (for example: 2010 to 2020)
  • Use their "Suggested Topics" or "Find More Like This" feature

Continue to find keywords that relate to your topic.  When you are searching for sources, do not keep using the same two words over and over.  You want to explore your topic from various angles; trying new and different keywords will help that process.  This means you might want to replace a keyword with a more specific term or with a broader term.  Be bold and creative with your search terms!

A good place to find more keywords is, when you find an article, look at the information on the record.  Here's an example from Academic Search Premier:

Finding the Perfect Source

Eliminating Book Reviews

When you check the box in the databases for Scholarly Journal Articles, be aware that you will also receive book reviews that are in the journal. A book review can lead you to an interesting book on your topic but it is not the same as an article that explores your topic in depth.