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ENGL& 102: Humans and Nature, with Bill Carty: Looking for a Research Topic? Get Inspired!

Need help with a topic?

When it's time to start thinking about a topic for your research paper, there are many ways to get inspired. News and magazine articles, reports, videos and audio programs are great places to discover ideas for your research topic.  Sometimes a headline or title can spark an interest in an issue or topic and become a starting point in your research process. Explore some of the resources suggested below to find inspiration for your research topic.

Browse the environmental news sections in magazines or newspapers, like the New York Times and Scientific American.

 Scroll through the titles of the library's books and ebooks and scan the table of contents.

► Watch a TED Talk or listen to a podcast.

► Look at the issues and articles on some of these websites.

  Look at the list of articles in an environmental magazine, like Grist and Orion.

Think about readings and discussions you are having in class.

Brainstorm with classmates and your instructor

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