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Avoiding Plagiarism: Plagiarism Policy at Edmonds

Plagiarism Defined at EC

Academic Misconduct and Dishonest (available online in its entirety)

Students are expected to be familiar with the Student Rights and Responsibilities, Guidelines for Student Conduct, and Disciplinary Action Procedures provided by the Office of Student Life and printed in the student handbook. Students who violate rules of academic misconduct and dishonesty are subject to disciplinary sanctions, including suspension and dismissal.
Academic misconduct and dishonesty includes, but is not limited to: Cheating, Fabrication, Facilitation, and Plagiarism.


Plagiarism means

  • Intentionally or unintentionally using another person's original words, ideas, or research (including the words/ideas of faculty or students) in any academic assignment without explicitly identifying that person within your work.
  • Failing to provide a list of Works Cited for all outside sources consulted or used in your assignments or essays (regardless of whether or not you directly quoted those sources in your essay);
  • Failing to provide in-text citations for all information consulted or borrowed from written or electronic documents (books, magazines, newspapers, pamphlets, websites, etc).

Ways to Avoid Plagiarism:

  • Do your own work. Do not rely on the Internet or other sources for your ideas or responses.
  • Start your assignments early! Waiting until the last minute makes cheating/plagiarism too tempting.
  • Do not copy and paste information off the Internet or from any other electronic or printed source. This form of plagiarism is also a violation of copyright laws.
  • Do not copy and paste information posted by other students on Blackboard (Bb) or use someone else’s information as a source for your own postings. Remember, do your own work!
  • When writing an essay, document and cite all information borrowed from your sources, even when the information is paraphrased (restated in your own words) and not a direct quote. Citing direct quotes alone is not sufficient!
  • When paraphrasing borrowed information, use your own words, and cite each occurrence at the point in the essay where it is used (in-text citation).
  • Do not fail to give credit to the source; the author deserves credit.
  • If you have ANY questions about how to complete your assignments or sufficiently document your sources, ask your instructor, not your friends. Students are often wrong!

Consequences for Plagiarism: At Edmonds CC, the consequences for any form of plagiarism include: denial of credit for the assignment, and/or denial of credit for the course, and/or notification of the Vice President for Student Services, and/or sanctions imposed (including suspension and/or dismissal from the college) by the Vice President for Student Services as he/she deems appropriate according to the policies and procedures of the college.

When in doubt, DON’T!

2009: Used and adapted, with permission, from information received at the University of Washington-Bothell Academic Writing Center.