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stәĺĵxwáli: 'Place of Medicine' Ethnobotanical Garden
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stәĺĵxwáli: 'Place of Medicine' Ethnobotanical Garden: Local Histories
News, Media, & Documents
Local Histories
Books in the EC Library
Alderwood Manor
Edmonds: 1850s-1950s
The Evolution of a Vibrant Everett Waterfront
Lynnwood: The Land, the People, the City
The Mines of Snohomish County
Picnic Point Pathways
Snohomish County: An Illustrated History
With Angels to the Rear: An Informal Portrait of Early Meadowdale
Gold Park History Interviews
Leah Gold Interview by Midori Brown October 24th, 2015
Video Interview: "It was like home," Caroline Ostby Remembers the Lynnwood Clinic
Interview Transcript: "Everybody had chickens," Dee Olson remembers rural south Snohomish County
Interview Transcript: “Different kinds of medicine,” cәlálakәm speaks about stәĺĵxwáli (Place-of-Medicine) Ethnobotanical Garden
Interview Transcript: "A very sweetheart deal," A former Lynnwood City Council member reflects on the acquisition of Gold Park
Interview Transcript: “The old ways are good ways,” dídahalqid reflects on the Snohomish Tribe and Edmonds Community College
Interview Transcript: "The first free-standing birth center in the United States," An Oral History from Tamara Gold
Interview Transcript: "No one had medical insurance in those days," Leah Gold remembers the Lynnwood Clinic
"I took care of people regardless of their ability to pay," Excerpts from the oral history of Morris Gold
"Many pioneering ideas," Excerpts from the memoir of Barbara Gold
News, Media, & Documents