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SHS 145 - Introduction to Disabling Conditions: Week 5 - Models of Disability


Week 5 Reading


Main Reading for the Week 

Let's start the reading this week with an overview of various models of disability. At the end of the article are numerous links that you might find of interest. Of course, as you might recall, I am focused on learning more about aging. This article addresses some of the unique challenges that come with aging and provides food for thought for us as we consider disabilities in light of aging. Growth-Oriented Entrepreneur’s Guide to Entrepreneurship ( L

This link compares the social model of disability with the human rights model. Human Rights Model of Disability | Office of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (

Here you have a very readable page about the social model of disability. The Social Model of Disability Explained — Social Creatures (

This link, from the UW, describes the moral, medical and social models of disability. What are different models of disability? | DO-IT (

Ready for some cut-and-paste? You can test your knowledge of various models of disability (definitions included in the link itself) on this site. 1.3 Models of Disability – Digital Methods for Disability Studies (

Other Links You May Find of Interest 

Another model of disability is identified in this link, that of the human development model of disability. The Model - RIPPH

The next couple of articles can inform your understanding of disability models but are not directly addressing the topic. 


Week 5 Video and Web Resources

Library Video

Please watch this Kanopy video. While the focus is on micro-aggressions, woven throughout the comments you can hear how the different models of disability affect the individuals in the video. Zoom In | Kanopy


Videos on YouTube

In this video, an explanation of the difference between the social and medical models is illustrated via a children's book. (I loved this one!) 


Here are a few additional videos that provide more information on models of disability. 


This video, from Australia, identifies additional models of disability.