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ENGR 231/ENGL 235: Technical Writing with Ann Modzelewski: Formal Report: Popular/Credible Sources

Formal Report: Popular/Credible Sources - What Counts?

Four Popular/Credible Sources are required for the Formal Report. Examples: books, magazine articles, newspaper articles, credible websites, interviews, documentaries, and news clips. 


You may only use CREDIBLE websites for this class. Watch this 2-minute video on Web Evaluation:

Not sure if a website is credible? Email your librarian ( for help!

Make Google Work for YOU

Not all web resources are created equal! Only .gov and .edu domains are regulated - which means not just anyone can get one. How do you just get results from these sites? Try a Google Site Search!

Go to Type in your search term(s) followed by like this:

Google search box with keywords

You can also do this from Google's Advanced Search (

Google advanced search screen with keywords and domain .gov

Books & eBooks

To find books, search OneSearch. Click ADVANCED SEARCH, Type in your broad keywords, then choose Books as your Material Type:

OneSearch interface with Books selected as material type

The EC Library has THOUSANDS of eBooks that you can access from off-campus. They are up-to-date, easy to use, and great resources for your Formal Report. Just click the Full Text Online link from your results list to see Electronic Books:

OneSearch interface with full text online highlighted

Find books on your topic like these:

Can't Find a Book?

Can't find a book on your topic at the EC Library? We can get almost any book through InterLibrary Loan (ILL). Use World Cat to search for a book and place an ILL Request. Need help? Email Haley.


In addition to finding articles on the web, you have access to thousands of publications through the library databases

You can search for popular/credible articles in ProQuest. Try your keywords with the Full Text box checked. Then scroll down to Source Type and choose Magazines and/or Newspapers:

keywords in the proquest search box with full text checked

source type limiters in proquest with magazines and newspapers checked

Need help? Email Haley (


Through our Streaming Video Database, Kanopy, you can access thousands of documentary films from any device with internet access. Browse categories like: