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Library Tutorial for STEM & ENGR


1. WATCH: Learn how to use an Edmonds College Library database, ProQuest, to find relevant newspaper and magazine articles. These sources can be included in your required sources for your group project.

NOTE: You need to have an activated, working Triton ID account and password to access the database shown in the video.

Why does it matter?

As the video shows, ProQuest is a powerful and valuable tool to connect you with millions of articles that you would otherwise have to pay for. Learning to search ProQuest effectively will help you in all your future courses and save you time and effort.

2. SEARCH: Using your keywords and the tips from the video, try multiple searches in ProQuest. Explore the results by skimming the titles and looking at the publications they come from. 

3. SELECT: Choose one magazine or newspaper article that you think will help you explore your Big Question. Follow the instructions in the video to download the article as a PDF. You will need this file to complete the Information Literacy Quiz in Canvas.

4. TAKE THE QUIZ: Congratulations! You have completed this tutorial. Go back to Canvas to check your learning with the quiz. If you need help or have questions, please go to the How to Get Help page for ways to contact a librarian.