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Library Tutorial for Legal 100


Edmonds College Library has a powerful and valuable database called ProQuest which can connect you with millions of articles that you would otherwise have to pay for. Learning to search ProQuest effectively will help you in all your future courses and save you time and effort.

1A. WATCH: Learn how to use it to find relevant newspaper and magazine articles.

Why does it matter - ProQuest?

1B. SEARCH: Use the ProQuest database to do a search of the keywords "homelessness, youth, academic success" and see the articles that are retrieved on the topic.  (You will need to enter your Triton ID and Canvas password after you click on the ProQuest link, and the database will open in another window.)

Scan the list of articles and see how many of them are about the topic. Click on an article of interest to you. Notice that in the upper left, you can If you email it to yourself or print it if you ever wanted to use it in your future research.

Westlaw Legal Database

Edmonds College Library also has a powerful legal database called Westlaw which can connect you with legal primary sources and secondary legal sources in an extremely accessible format that you would otherwise have to pay to use. As part of your Paralegal Program, you will learn how to effectively search Westlaw to find relevant primary and secondary legal materials.

2A. WATCH: Learn how to access Westlaw for your future studies.

Why does it matter - Westlaw?

2B. SEARCH: Now use the Westlaw database to do a search of the keywords "Brown, Board of Education" and see the documents that are retrieved on the famous Supreme Court case.  (You will need to enter your Triton ID and password after you click on the Westlaw link, and the database will open in another window.)

Scan the list of results and find the cases. Click on the first case and notice the format of the document. Also, notice that in the upper left. You could email it to yourself or print it if you ever wanted to use it in your future research.

Library Tutorial Quiz #1

3. TAKE THE QUIZ: Congratulations! You have completed Units 1-7 of this tutorial. Go back to the Week 5 Module in Canvas to take the Library Tutorial Quiz. # 1. (It is located in the Quiz section of Canvas.)