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Social and Human Services Resource Guide: Writing & Citation Sources for APA Style


Below is a collection of the American Psychological Association (APA) writing and citation style resources you will need to ensure your research is accurately and ethically incorporated into your work.  Please don't hesitate to contact the me or Chat with a Librarian if you need additional help evaluating and citing your sources.  In addition, the Edmonds College Writing Center provides drop-in and online assistance to help you with these processes.

Edmonds College Library APA Citation Style Resources

APA Citation Resource Guide

Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association

Official APA Writing & Citation Style Resources

The official American Psychological Association (APA) writing and citation style provides excellent resources to help you learn to incorporate this style into your academic writing for your coursework.  

Additional APA Style Resources

Practice Activities and Tutorials

Source: APA Tutorial - McMaster University

Citation Generator