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Service Learning: Social Justice
Cultural Appropriation
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Service Learning: Social Justice: Cultural Appropriation
Cultural Appropriation
Gender Socialization
LGBTQ+ Rights
Black Experience
Disability Advocacy
Me and White Supremacy
The Art of Protest: Culture and Activism from the Civil Rights Movement to the Streets of Seattle
Hip-Hop, Art, and Visual Culture
Who Owns Culture?
Orientalism Revisited
Indian Country: Essays on Contemporary Native Culture
Bridging Cultures: Intercultural Mediation in Literature, Linguistics and the Arts
Web Resources
“It’s Only Art”: How Art Controversy over Cultural Appropriation and Historical Trauma Can Move Toward a More Ethical Public Humanities
White Painter Loses Art Show Over Cultural Appropriation Debate / Newsweek
ART SEEN: Joseph Tisiga exhibition takes on the nuances of cultural appropriation / Vancouver Sun
AUDIO: Provocations in Art: Cultural Appropriation (Talk from the Royal Academy)
What is cultural appropriation, and how does it differ from cultural appreciation?
The Conversation
Native Portraiture / Tacoma Art Museum
"What is communicated when an outsider portrays someone from another culture?"
Current Service Learning Projects
Powwow 101 Service-Learning Companion Project
Native American Cultural Appropriation
How Luiseno Indian Artist James Luna Resists Cultural Appropriation
"Owning Red: A Theory of Indian (Cultural) Appropriation"
Texas Law Review (2016)
"Images of Native Americans in Advertising"
Advertising & Society Review (2013)
"The princess and the SUV: Brand images of native Americans as commodified racism"
Studies in Symbolic Interaction (2009)
Northwest Coast Native American Art: The Relationship between Museums, Native Americans and Artists
Thesis (2016)
"Tobacco industry misappropriation of American Indian culture and traditional tobacco"
Tobacco Control (2018)
"Gendered construction of the American Indian in popular media"
Journal of Communication (1999)
Gender Socialization >>