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Early Childhood Education (ECE) Resource Guide: Finding Academic Articles

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NOTE: After entering your search terms, click the "Search" button to generate your results. Do not use the "Enter" key on your keyboard.

Logging on from off-campus:

Current Edmonds College students, faculty and staff can access these databases from off-campus using their Triton ID.

1. Go to the Edmonds College Library website

2. Under Library Resources, click on the Databases link and search alphabetically or by subject for the database you wish to use (ProQuest, etc.)

3. Click on the name of the database and a login page will appear asking for your Triton ID and password (see example below). Faculty and Staff - Please login using your campus credentials.

Triton ID example s.student1234 and password

If you have difficulties accessing the resources, try our troubleshooting tips for possible solutions or contact me or chat with a librarian 24x7.

Can't find articles through our library?

World Cat/OCLC

Search Individual Education Research Databases

Use these databases to research topics and issues specific to the fields of Education.

Search Other Individual Databases

Search these databases for articles covering multiple subjects but include topics related to the field of Education.

Looking for specific ECE journals?

Below is a list of some Early Childhood Education journals you may want to use for your research.  You will see that articles from some of them are available using our databases; others are available on the publication's website.

Early Childhood Education Journals in the ProQuest Database:
- Childhood Education Full text: Feb 1988 - Nov/Dec 2014

- Early Childhood Education Journal Full text: Mar 1997 - present (delayed 1 year)

- Journal of Research in Childhood Education Full Text: 1997-2009

- Topics in Early Childhood Special Education Full Text: 1997-2010

Early Childhood Education articles available on publishers’ websites:

- Exchange: The Early Childhood Leaders' Magazine

- Voices of Practitioners

- Teaching Young Children

- Young Children

To obtain full-text copies of articles not in the databases or on websites in full-text, please contact your librarian at the Ask a Librarian service.