Below are the core and multi-disciplinary and health-related databases selected specifically for your CYFS research.
You may also search the library's entire collection using our OneSearch search engine.
If you are have difficulty understanding the scholarly articles, use the Reading and Understanding Scholarly Articles resources. For search strategies and tips in using the databases, use the Database Search Tips tutorial below. You can also view the EBSCOhost Advanced Searching tutorial on this page for help in searching the
Articles from scholarly/peer-reviewed journals, magazines, and newspapers
Health, Healthcare and Related Research
Articles from peer-reviewed/scholarly journals, magazines and newspaper covering nutrition, women's health, sports injuries
Current Edmonds College students, faculty and staff can access these databases from off-campus using their Triton ID.
1. Go to the Edmonds College Library website
2. Under Library Resources, click on the Books, eBooks, Articles & Films link and search alphabetically or by subject for the database you wish to use (ProQuest, etc.)
3. Click on the name of the database and a login page will appear asking for your Triton ID and password (see example below). Faculty and Staff - Please login using your campus credentials (firstname.lastname/password; please note that some faculty and staff may have a network username that's 8 characters long, typically first initial and 7 characters of their last name).
If you have any question, use the troubleshooting page or ask a librarian.