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Edmonds College Library Website

Interlibrary Loan

Edmonds College students, faculty, and staff can request books and articles from other libraries via interlibray loan (ILL). There is no charge for this service.

Note: It can take up to two weeks for ILL items to arrive, so start your research early!

Physical books will be sent to Edmonds College Library for you to pick up. Requested articles will be emailed to you.

Textbooks for Edmonds College courses and books already owned by the Edmonds College Library cannot be requested.

How To Request an Item for ILL

  1. Find citation information for the book or article you want to request. If you already have a citation, you can skip this step. Recommended search tools: WorldCat catalog for books / Google Scholar for articles
  2. Log in to the WorldShare ILL Request Form with your TritonID and password. Fill in the title, author, and any other item details you have. Complete the "Requester Contact Information" section and submit the form.
  3. The Circulation Desk will notify you when your requested item is ready.