Textbooks for use in the library are located in the Course Reserve Collection at the Circulation Desk across from the entrance to the library. Not all textbooks are in the library’s Course Reserve collection. Only those textbooks placed on Course Reserve by instructors and departments will be in the collection.
For additional information, see Guidelines for Course Reserves and the FAQs below.
How soon will materials be available to students after Instructor place reserve requests?
> Library staff need 48 hours to fully process reserve items. At the beginning of each quarter more time may be required to fully process all requests.
How do I check out a book on Reserve?
> You can check out a Reserve textbook at the Check Out and Reserves Desk. You need a valid EdPass. Give the staffperson the exact title of the textbook, course name and number, and the instructor’s name. (example: Literature for Composition, English 102, instructor: Moore). If you don’t know exact title and course name and number, refer to your syllabus. If you need additional help, talk to the Librarian.
How many textbooks can I check out at one time?
> Due to limited stock on hand, only 2 textbooks can be checked out for two hours at a time.
Can I make photocopies or scan pages from the Course Reserve textbooks?
> Yes, within copyright guidelines.
Why can't I take a textbook to the fourth floor?
> With a few exceptions, books from the Course Reserve Collection must remain in the library and the security system requires that they are secured on the third floor of the library.
Are there fines for overdue Reserve books?
> Yes. Fines are $2/per day per item.